Web Soft Solutions

SSL & Security

SSL is the short form for Secure Sockets Layer. It is a protocol developed by Netscape communications for transmitting private documents through Internet. SSL uses a cryptographic system which contains two keys to encrypt data − one public key and it is known to everyone and one private(also known as secret key) and it is known only to the recipient of the message.

SSL is a technology used by web hosts to provide encryption of data between the browser client and the domain.Its standard requirement for web sites that contain sensitive data like social security numbers, medical information, or finances to protect their sites from hackers.

Advantages of ssl

Here are some of the main SSL benefits that come when you make sure that you have secure sockets layer protection on your ecommerce website:

1. Server authentication. When you have secure sockets layer, you areQuick2soft Technologies Chennai protected as well as your customer. The server – which is basically another name for a computer that stores information about your website for viewing by customers and others – must have a digital SSL certificate. Secure sockets layer provides these certificates and is able to read them. SSL certificates come from a trusted third party that can guarantee encryption. The SSL certificate is proof that the server is what it says it is. Having a secure sockets layer makes it harder for fraudsters to pretend to be another server. Customers feel safe, knowing that you really are legitimate, and they are more willing to do business with you. You are protected as well when you engage in business to business transactions with others that have a valid SSL certificate

2. Private communication capability. Another advantage of secure sockets layer (SSL) protection is that it makes conversations private. The encryption used by the secure sockets layer turns useful data, such as credit card numbers, addresses and other payment information, into useless bits of information. Random characters appear. Only the right recipient – one with the encryption key – can decode the messages. This means that you have a private communication channel. If someone else tries to intercept the information, it will appear to be useless.

3. Customer confidence. This is an extremely important benefit of having an SSL certificate. It assures customers that you are taking the proper steps to protect their personal information. A well-informed and seasoned Internet shopper knows that secure sockets layer (SSL) protection is a necessity. Many savvy online shoppers will not buy from ecommerce merchant accounts who do not encrypt transactions using secure socket layers. If you want loyal customers, it is a good idea to purchase some sort of SSL certificate so that buyers feel confident in engaging in business with you.